Event Date: Oct 27 2010 – Nov 1 2010
Event Website: –
City: New York
Country: USA
Primary Contact Name: Matt Rogalsky
Contact Email: mrogalsky@wesleyan.edu
To quote Bernie Krause, “Seventy percent of the earth is water in all its forms, from the heat vents deep in the Mariana Trench, to the last of the snows on Kilimanjaro. From the killer droughts in Africa to the rising seas taking out villages in Alaska and the Pacific south sea islands.”
Ear to the Earth 2010 is about understanding the current states of water in the world and our social and cultural attitudes towards water. We’re interested in the sounds of water and/or sounds or performances that will make us aware of water. We want to direct attention to environmental issues relating to water … more
Schedule of Events
At Greenwich House Music School
46 Barrow Street
- Wednesday, October 27, 8pm. R. Murray Schafer, founder of acoustic ecology, discusses its history and future … more
- Thursday, October 28, 8pm. Bernie Krause tells us how animals (and water animals) taught us to dance and sing. Yolande Harris weaves sounds from marine and other environments … more
- Friday, October 29, 8pm. Kristin Norderval, composer, vocalist, performs an excerpt from FLUDD – Virtual Polar Icecap Meltdown with live video processing by Katherine Liberovskaya. Matt Rogalsky performs Memory Like Water, exploring themes of memory, identity, and the passage of time … more
At Kleio Projects
153-1/2 Stanton Street (between Suffolk & Clinton)
- Thursday, October 28 — Monday, November 1, 1—7pm. Annea Lockwood’s A Sound Map of the Housatonic River, an immersive installation … more
At White Box
329 Broom Street
- Saturday, October 30, 3pm. Sheila Callaghan, Daniella Topol, and Katie Down’s Water (or the secret life of objects), a multimedia production … more
- Saturday, October 30, 8pm. Performances by Paula Matthusen, Miguel Frasconi, Jennifer Stock, Aleksei Stevens … more
- Saturday, October 30 — Monday, November 1, 12—6pm. Installations by Liz Phillips, Jennifer Stock … more
- Saturday, October 30 — Monday, November 1, 12—6pm. Installation by students at REC Youth, a program sponsored by the New York City Parks Department … more
At Frederick Loewe Theater
35 West 4th Street
- Sunday, October 31, 5pm. David Monacchi’s Stati d’Acqua / States of Water. Scott Deal and Matthew Burtner’s Auksalaq, a multimedia opera, with the NYU Percussion Ensemble, about Arctic climate change … more
- Sunday, October 31, 8pm. Michael Fahres’ Cetacea. Phill Niblock and Katherine Liberovskaya’s Sound Delta +, a live audio/video performance created during the European Sound Delta project … more
- Monday, November 1, 8pm. Maggi Payne’s Liquid Amber. Andrea Polli’s Dances with Waves. Charles Lindsay & David Rothenberg’s Western Water … more
All installations during the day and all events at the Frederic Loewe Theater are free admission.
Events at the Greenwich House Music School and concerts at White box are $15 general admission / $10 seniors & EMF Members / $5 students. Space is limited. A number of festival passes for all paid events are available at $40. To purchase a festival pass, click on the following link and enter ‘festival pass’ for how you want to apply your contribution.
Electronic Music Foundation, a New York-based not-for-profit arts organization, produces concerts, festivals, and other events in New York City and elsewhere. We provide services for artists at the EMF Creative Resource Center. We also maintain a worldwide network through which we circulate information, distribute materials, and collaborate with colleagues on international projects. Our mission is to explore the creative and cultural potential in the convergence of music, sound, technology, and science, and inspire interactions with a large and growing public. For more information, go to www.emf.org.
EMF’s programs are supported by Meet The Composer’s Cary New Music Performance Fund, The Jerome Foundation, Amphion Foundation, and several individuals. Our programs are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Arts Electric and EMF are registered trademarks of Electronic Music Foundation, Ltd.
Featured image: Photo by Ross Sokolovski on Unsplash.