Events – Artificial | Natural: AI & Environmental History

"Google Gemini, make me an image that speaks to both 'artificial' & 'natural.'"

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Western University in London, Ontario is hosting two events that will introduce students & scholars to global experts working at the intersection of environmental & digital history – &, specifically, exploring how artificial intelligence has the capacity to change & challenge historical research.

On the afternoon of Monday, 7 October:

Artificial | Natural: AI & Environmental History

Weldon Library Community Room 128.
All welcome.

On the morning of Tuesday, 8 October:

Writing Environmental Nonfiction with AI

This will be a hands-on workshop facilitated by William J. Turkel (Western U).
Lawson Hall 2270 C & D.
Contact if you wish to participate.

  • 9:00-11:30 ~ Workshop
  • 11:30-12:30 ~ Lunch provided.

Thank you to Western U Social Science & Queen’s U Department of History for helping sponsor these events.

Feature Image: “Google Gemini, make me an image that speaks to both ‘artificial’ & ‘natural.'”
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I am the author of Becoming Green Gables & the companion website (2024), The Summer Trade (with Edward MacDonald, 2022), & The Miramichi Fire (2020). I'm also the editor of the print/open-access Canadian History & Environment series at University of Calgary Press. I was Director of NiCHE, 2004-15. Contact me at

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