The Annual Great NiCHE November Fundraising Campaign!

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So, you rolled out of bed this morning (or perhaps you are still in bed?) and checked out the new NiCHE post as you do each day. Or maybe, you are reading on your commute? Or perhaps procrastinating by catching up on some recent posts.

However you have come to this moment, here you are on the NiCHE website where, since 2005, we’ve been publishing blog posts, announcing ground-breaking scholarship and upcoming events, hosting resources and project pages, creating a platform for authors to share their work, and providing a supportive community for scholars in environmental history and humanities.

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We truly love the work we do here at NiCHE and are excited to work with so many brilliant, insightful, and generous folks who see the value in what we do. We are a volunteer organization, and we’d like everyone who reads, writes, and thinks about Canada and the environment to be a part of it.

Over the next month, we are asking readers like you to show your support.

Maybe you’ve showcased your research and writing with The Otter, or assigned a post to students to read, or shared something published on our site over social media? Perhaps you have been thinking of developing an online presence for your research and are considering using our Projects page? Have you ever consulted the NiCHE Resources or Digital Tools pages to find tips for hosting a sustainable conference or to download syllabi?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” can we ask you to join our list of Supporters?

Ok, we know what you’re thinking. “Sure, of course I’d love to support NiCHE. But money is tight, something something inflation, I already support other organizations and charities, and I don’t think I can spare the money.” But we’re not asking for much (unless you want to)!

For the price of a cup of coffee each month, or a meal at a nice restaurant once a year, you can make a big difference in helping us continue what we do.

Last year was our first year fundraising. We aimed to raise $8000 and we accomplished our goal thanks to so many generous donations. We’re hoping to raise the same amount this year to support our ongoing services and three big needs:

  1. Fair compensation for a part-time editor and social media manager to maintain our online presence.
  2. Small honoraria to recognize the work of contributors, especially junior scholars, graduate students, and those precariously employed.
  3. Web hosting costs and publishing expenses.

It is not an exaggeration to say that we do this work for you, because we know there are many of you. And if each of you helped by supporting us with a donation through our fundraising page we can continue to support you and generate the content you have come to expect from us, including the NiCHE blog, book reviews, news & announcements, monthly newsletter, a podcast, videos, a peer-reviewed journal, teaching/research resources, research project websites, and more.

From the entire executive and editorial board, thank you for seeing value in what we do at NiCHE!

Feature image: Niagara Falls. Photo by Claire Campbell.

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