CfP: Graduate Student Work on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment

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The Working Group on the History of Food, Agriculture, and Sustainability invites graduate students working in history or the broader environmental humanities to participate in a research symposium exploring the breadth of emerging work in the field. The symposium will be held online on September 22, 2022. Its purpose is to bring together the cohort of new scholars in this field with each other and with more senior scholars, and to provide an opportunity for all of us to learn about the variety of work that is being undertaken. Graduate students looking at food, agriculture, and sustainability from the perspective of any part of the environmental humanities, at any stage of their studies, are invited to submit a short abstract of their current research project, which may be a thesis or dissertation, a chapter, or a journal article, to Submissions must be received no later than March 30, 2022.

The Working Group on the History of Food, Agriculture, and Sustainability is a new group made up of scholars from Europe, Canada, and the United States. It is coordinated by Dr. Gabriella M. Petrick, Marie S. Curie Fellow (Project Number 896298), Department of Cultural Studies and Languages, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway. For more information on the group or the symposium contact Dr. Petrick at or Dr. Sarah Hamilton at

Feature Image: Reclaimed Lands at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. Photo by Jamie Murton.
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Jamie Murton is a Professor in the Department of History at Nipissing University. His research focuses on the environmental history of food and agriculture, and particularly of subsistence production and its relationship to capitalist markets for food. Canadians and Their Natural Environment: A History is out now from Oxford University Press.

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