2022 NiCHE Book Prize Announcement

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The Network in Canadian History and Environment wishes to announce that it is soliciting nominations for its 2022 NiCHE Prize for Best Book. This prize is awarded every other year for meritorious publications that make important and innovative contributions to the field of Canadian environmental history, broadly conceived.

This prize was generously sponsored by a donation from founding NiCHE Director, Alan MacEachern.

Nominations may come from authors, publishers, organizations, or any other individuals. Upon completion of this form, you will receive contact information for mailing copies (or transmitting electronic copies) to the adjudicating committee members.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The work of any individual(s) conducting scholarly research in the field of Canadian environmental history will be eligible for consideration.
  • Books that (i) use the tools and methods of historical inquiry to examine the relationship between humans and the non-human world; and (ii) focus on the territory that now makes up Canada and/or involve individuals, groups, or institutions closely associated with what later became Canada are eligible for consideration.
  • Books can be nominated only once.
  • Books must bear the copyright imprint of one of the two years preceding the year in which the prize is awarded, i.e., books published in 2020 or 2021 are eligible for the 2022 prize.
  • Books published by publishing houses or journals located outside Canada are eligible for consideration.
  • Any piece of scholarship that meets the eligibility criteria for a given year’s prize and that demonstrates substantial and original scholarship may be nominated (e.g. edited volumes, scholarly editions of primary documents). Translations may not be nominated if they have already won this prize for publication in their original language.
  • Scholarship authored by more than one person is eligible for consideration.

Nominations for this prize should be submitted before 31 December 2021.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay 

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