The Atlantic Canada Studies Conference is a biennial gathering of scholars whose research focuses on the study of the Atlantic Region of Canada, broadly defined. The University of Maine will be hosting the 2020 meeting of the conference, from May 14-16, at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast. It will mark the first time that the conference has been held in Maine in 30 years. Generally known as welcoming, collegial, and rigorous, scholars from all disciplinary backgrounds are encouraged to apply. See the call for papers below; la version française suit la version anglaise.
Note: There is some flexibility with the deadline if applicants need some extra time to coordinate panels. Please contact the conference organizers if this is the case.
2020 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Call for Papers
The Canadian-American Center and the Department of History at the University of Maine invite proposals for the 2020 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference to be held at the University of Maine’s Hutchinson Center in Belfast, Maine, USA on May 14-16, 2020.
The theme of the conference is “Crossing Borders, Bridging Boundaries.” With most participants crossing the international border between Canada and the United States to attend the conference, we especially seek proposals that in some way attempt to bridge boundaries, be they physical, disciplinary, metaphorical, or otherwise. Among the many options available, proposals may engage with a borderlands framework, or could incorporate an interdisciplinary approach. As in previous ACS conferences, we will consider proposals that deal with any topic or theme focused on the study of the Atlantic Region.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 2 December 2019 . Proposal abstracts should be fewer than 250 words, and the author should include a brief biography and one-page c.v. Proposals for panels are welcome; they should include a brief abstract for the panel as a whole, as well as abstracts for each individual presenter. Proposals will be submitted via online forms (see below). While the selection of papers is rigorous, the ACS conference has an impressive history of bringing together internationally-recognized academics, junior scholars, and independent researchers in productive and provocative sessions.
Those submitting proposals should expect to hear back from conference organizers by the end of January 2020. A conference website, with online registration and accommodation and other information, will be launched about the same time.
To submit proposals, please visit:
For more information, please contact:
Mark J. McLaughlin
Assistant Professor of History and Canadian Studies University of Maine
(207) 581-2028
2020 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Appel à communications
Le Canadian-American Center et le Département d’histoire de l’Université du Maine (USA) sollicitent des propositions de communication et de panels pour le congrès ‘‘Atlantic Canada Studies’’ qui se tiendra au Centre Hutchinson de l’Université du Maine à Belfast, aux États-Unis, du 14 au 16 mai 2020.
Le thème de la conférence sera « Franchir les frontières, établir des échanges» (“Crossing Borders, Bridging Boundaries.”). Puisque de nombreux participants traverseront la frontière entre le Canada et les États-Unis afin de participer au colloque, nous souhaitons recevoir des propositions qui portent sur la question des limites, qu’elles soient physiques, disciplinaires ou métaphoriques. Les propositions pourront entre autres traiter des structures frontalières ou intégrer une approche interdisciplinaire. Toutefois, comme lors des conférences précédentes de l’AEC, toutes les propositions qui traitent d’un sujet ou d’une thématique portant sur les provinces de l’Atlantique seront prises en considération.
La date limite pour soumettre une proposition de communication est le 2 décembre 2019. Les résumés des propositions doivent se limiter à 250 mots, et comprendre une courte biographie ainsi qu’un curriculum vitae d’une page. Vous pouvez également nous faire parvenir des propositions de séances : celles-ci devront comprendre un résumé de la séance, ainsi que des résumés de chacune des présentations. Les propositions devront être soumises en utilisant le formulaire en ligne (voir ci-dessous). Comme par les années passées, le congrès de l’AEC vise à réunir des universitaires internationalement reconnus, des étudiants et des chercheurs indépendants.
Les organisateurs du congrès contacteront les participants vers la fin du mois de janvier 2020. Un site Web permettant de s’inscrire en ligne et d’obtenir diverses informations liées au congrès sera accessible au même moment.
Pour soumettre votre proposition, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien :
Pour plus d’informations, prière de contacter :
Mark J. McLaughlin
Assistant Professor of History and Canadian Studies University of Maine
(207) 581-2028
Latest posts by Mark McLaughlin (see all)
- Northeast and Atlantic Region Environmental History Forum Call for Papers - December 15, 2021
- Public Lecture: “Firebreak: How the Maine-New Brunswick Border Defined the 1825 Miramichi Fire” - March 19, 2021
- The 2020 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference: Call for Papers - November 27, 2019
- Review of Leeming, In Defence of Home Places - May 9, 2018
- The Science before Silent Spring - March 21, 2018
- The Potential of Hope within Environmental History Scholarship - June 6, 2017
- Counterbalancing Declensionist Narratives in Environmental History - February 3, 2016
- Seeing the Forest (Workers) for the Trees: Environmental and Labour History in New Brunswick’s Forests - November 4, 2015
- Encountering Environmental Imagery from the Present and the Past - August 26, 2015
- Why Maritime Union Is a Bad Idea: An Environmental Historian’s Perspective - March 5, 2013