CFP: Developers, Local Residents, and the State Beyond the City (CHA 2016)

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Dale Barbour (PhD student, University of Toronto) and Jack Little (Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University) are looking for someone to join a panel on the relationship between developers, local residents, and the state beyond the periphery of the city, to be submitted for consideration at the Canadian Historical Association’s 2016 meeting in Calgary. Our presentations will focus on two very different islands that provided (and still provide) recreation outlets for nearby urbanites, but the panel does not have to be about islands. A paper that examines urban pressures on another type of ‘natural’ space or on agricultural land would be very welcome. The working titles for our papers are:

Dale Barbour, “Fencing in an island: How Toronto Island formed at the nexus of nature, play and capital: 1870 to 1920.”

J.I. Little, “Resisting Suburbanization on Canada’s West Coast: Bowen Island, 1969-77.”

If you are interested, please contact Jack Little as soon as possible. The deadline for proposals is October 15.

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Jack Little

Jack Little is a Professor Emeritus in the Simon Fraser University History Department. He currently lives on Salt Spring Island, and publishes mostly on Canadian rural history with a wide-ranging geographic and thematic focus.

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