One of NiCHE’s priorities is to share Canadian environmental history with the general public. This year we are working with local organizers in cities across Canada to bring environmental history talks to public libraries in the weeks before and after Earth Day. Some of these talks are apart of a larger series, including the four monthly talks in Ottawa and the three talks inMississauga. The rest of the talks are one off events. We hope this will be the first year of an annual lecture series. Next year we will try to bring these talks to even more cities across Canada. If you cannot make it to any of these events, check the website in late April, as some of them will be recorded and posted online.
Public Library Talks:
- April 13: Dr. Debra Nash-Chambers, “Guelph’s Urban History, 1826-1957,” 7pm, Main Branch of the Guelph Library.
- April 14: Dr. Jim Clifford, “From a Pastoral Wetland to an Industrial Wasteland, and Back Again? An Environmental History of the Lower Lea River Valley, the Site of the 2012 London Olympics,” 7:30pm, Mississauga Central Library.
- April 18: Dr. Terry Simmons and Phil Van Huizen, “The Road to Earth Day: The History of the Environmental Movement in British Columbia,” 7:30pm, Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, Central Library, Vancouver.
- April 19: Dr. Joanna Dean, “Mapping Ottawa’s Urban Forest: Lowertown, New Edinburgh and Alta Vista from 1920 to 2005,” 7:30pm, Ottawa Central Library.
- April 20: Dr. Ken Cruikshank, “Clear Hamilton Of Pollution (CHOP): Environmentalsm in the Era of the First Earth Day<” and Dr. Jim Clifford, “An Environmental History of the Lower Lea River Valley, the Site of the 2012 London Olympics,” Hamilton.
- April 21: Dr. Claire Campbell, “What is environmental history, and what does it mean for Atlantic Canada?,” 7pm, Keshen Goodman Public Library, Halifax.
- April 26: Dr. Lisa Rumiel, “Earth Day: Then and Now,” 6.30pm, Deer Park Library, Toronto.
NiCHE is also sponsoring three on campus events that are open to the public:
- April 15: Micheal Del Vecchio, “A Brief History of Aquaculture in Ontario,” at the 8th ANNUAL Earth Day Colloquium, Centre for Environment and Sustainability, UWO, London.
- April 19: Dr. Nigel Clark and Dr Peter C. Van Wyck, “Symposium: Environmental Responsibility Without Limits”, 1:00-3:30pm, Robert Sutherland Building, Queens University.
- April 21: Public Screening “Waterlife: the Great Lakes the last great supply of fresh drinking water on Earth”, 7-9:30 pm, Ellis Auditorium.
NiCHE is also supporting a major Earth Day event in Montreal:
En 1983, la Conférence générale de l’Organisation des Nations-Unies pour l’éducation, les sciences et la culture (UNESCO) désignait le 18 avril « Journée internationale des monuments et des sites » suite à la proposition de l’ICOMOS, le Conseil international des monuments et des sites qui, chaque année, suggère un thème pour la souligner. En 2011, l’ICOMOS propose le thème du Patrimoine culturel de l’eau.
En l’honneur du Jour de la Terre, NiCHE aimerait vous inviter à la Journée internationale du patrimoine sur le patrimoine culturel de l’eau du 14 au 17 avril. La journée est organisé par Héritage Montréal, la Ville de Montréal, l’Administration portuaire de Montréal, Cité Historia, le Centre d’histoire de Montréal, Hydro-Québec, ICOMOS Canada, musée Stewart, Pointe-à-Callière, Parcs Canada, la Société patrimoine et histoire de l’île Bizard et Sainte-Geneviève et la Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal.
Des causeries seront sur le patrimoine culturel de l’eau dans l’histoire et dans le présent, y compris : L’eau et son patrimoine culturel ici et ailleurs, Le canal de Lachine et ses basins, Le port de Montréal durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, et Michèle Dagenais avec sa Montréal et l’eau : Une histoire environnementale. En plus, il y a une visite guidée par le Centre d’histoire de Montréal: Catastrophes ! Les événements tragiques à Montréal.
La majorité des activités seront gratuites, mais vous devrez faire enregistrer pour certains. Visitez le site web official pour beaucoup d’information et pour voir le programme complet des activités.
Thank You:
None of these events would have been possible without the help of a large number of local organizers: Pat Bowley and Lisa Cox in Guelph, Ian Milligan in Mississauga, David Brownstein and Tina Loo in Vancouver, Will Knight and Linnéa Rowlatt in Ottawa, Micheal Commito in Hamilton, Debra Ross in Halifax, Jessica Van Horssen in Montreal, Lisa Rumiel in Toronto, Micheal Del Vecchio in London, and Laura Cameron in Kingston. We would also like to thank John Sandlos, Arn Keeling and Merle Massie for putting considerable effort into trying to organizing events in St. John and Saskatoon.
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