SSHA Conference

Photo: Chris Smith

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Event Details

Deadline: Feb 15 2013
Event Date: Nov 21 2013 – Nov 24 2013
Event Website: Event Webpage
City: Chicago
Country: United States
Primary Contact Name: Ken Sylvester
Contact Email:

The Rural, Agricultural and Environmental Network of the Social Science History Association asks that you examine the attached call for papers for the 38th annual meeting of Social Science History Association conference in Chicago, to be held November 21-24, 2013.

The deadline for proposals is February 15, 2013 .

The SSHA draws submissions of papers and panels through networks organized by topic or field. The Rural, Agricultural and Environmental network representatives are Louis Kyriakoudes ( and Ken Sylvester (, and some of the network’s themes include: State and agriculture over the longue durée; Economic legacies of land tenure systems; Electrification, Energy and the Environment; “Rurban” Environments and Defending Open Space; Rebuilding natural infrastructure; Cultures of the Frontier; Empire and Environment.

For more information, see the attached call for papers; additional questions may be directed toward the network’s representatives:

Ken Sylvester
University of Michigan

Louis Kyriakoudes
University of Southern Mississippi

RAE Network call 2013

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I am an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Prince Edward Island where I teach in the Applied Communication, Leadership & Culture Program in the Faculty of Arts. My research focuses on the history of biomass energy and agriculture. From 2012-2014 I was the NiCHE project coordinator, and I served on the NiCHE editorial board until 2018.
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