2014 NCPH Conference

Photo: Maureen

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Event Details

Deadline: Jul 15 2013
Event Date: Mar 19 2014 – Mar 22 2014
Event Website: Event Webpage
City: Monterey, CA
Country: United States
Primary Contact Name: Leah Glaser
Contact Email: glaserles@ccsu.edu

Public historians have long engaged with environmental topics and environmental historians to explore the long-term material effects of the decisions, actions, and conceptions of people in the past.

As we move toward the 2014 NCPH conference in Monterey, California with its theme of “Sustainable Public History,” this is a good moment to take stock of some of those disciplinary conversations and to think about how to move them forward in a time of accelerating environmental challenges and crises. Read more and contribute to the ongoing conversation at the Public History Commons and considersubmitting a proposal.

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