Call for Writing Support Programme 2025 – ESEH NEXTGATe

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ESEH NEXTGATe is launching the 5th round of the Writing Support Programme for emerging scholars in Environmental History and the Environmental Humanities.

We invite early career authors (ECR-s) to submit a proposal for a draft article or book chapter and join a series of monthly workshops in which they receive hands-on feedback on their ongoing work from invited established scholars and ECR peers. The purposes of the group discussions are to advance the writing process, to boost productivity and to strengthen the community of environmental historians.

How does it work?

Chaired by Prof. Andrea Gaynor, from The University of Western Australia, the workshop sessions are organized online on a monthly basis from late February to June. Draft papers are pre-circulated at least a week in advance of each session and all participants are expected to provide feedback. Each session discusses two papers and lasts 1.5 hours (45 minutes per paper).

ESEH NEXTGATe is looking for:

Early Career Researchers (ECRs broadly understood, including graduate, post-graduate, PhD students and
non-tenured researchers) in Environmental History, willing to share an article or book chapter in progress, of no
more than 10,000 words, and to offer feedback in their turn, committing to participate in at least three sessions.

Submission guidelines:

To submit a proposal, please send an email by the 4th of January to Monica Vasile at including the following information:

– name and affiliation; type of publication (article or chapter; the intended publication venue);
– working title + abstract of the planned article/chapter (max. 250 words);
– time zone you are in; months you would be available to present (mention all possibilities from
February to June).

Please note that spaces are limited, in order to keep the number of sessions to a maximum of five. Participants from previous rounds are eligible, although we will prioritize first-time applicants. We expect to notify the applicants by the end of January.

The Mentorship Programme is coordinated by: Andrea Gaynor, Mona Bieling, Monica Vasile.

Feel free to contact Monica Vasile ( for further information.

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Monica Vasile

I am an environmental historian at Maastricht University. I currently research the history of reintroductions of endangered species, and I am a PhD candidate in the project 'Moving Animals: A history of Science, Media and Policy in the 20th century'. My approach integrates animals' biographies with a history of science and conservation.

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