Introducing our Social Media Editor

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Jessica DeWitt, NiCHE Social Media Editor 2014-2015
Jessica DeWitt, NiCHE Social Media Editor 2014-2015

It’s the middle of exam period and if you’re pleasantly surprised by the unusually high volume of Canadian environmental history news on NiCHE’s social media you can thank our new Social Media Editor, Jessica DeWitt. Jessica has kindly agreed to take on this new position to help out the NiCHE Editorial Collective — a group tasked with bringing more hands on deck to edit and promote the new NiCHE website. A PhD candidate at the University of Saskatchewan and active member of the HGIS lab there, Jessica has recently contributed to The Otter ~ La loutre (including a post on academics in the digital realm) and the Geospatial Historian.

Jessica will use our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, etc.) to disseminate the contents of the website, including articles and reviews on The Otter ~ La loutre, announcements, events, deadlines, New Scholars meetings, and other news. She wants to make our social media more interactive for all NiCHE members, so as you find articles that NiCHE members might find interesting you may send her links, descriptions, photos, etc. We look forward to channeling more environmental history content from other sites, but of course posts and promotions may or may not get featured depending on the availability of the Editor, and shared links and retweets do not equal endorsements or official positions of NiCHE editors and members.

Please get in touch with Jessica or start tweeting and commenting on NiCHE social media if you would like to join the conversation. Use the following links to find our pages:

NiCHE Facebook Page
NiCHE Facebook Page

If you would like to have content featured on the NiCHE website and events calendar we would encourage you to upload it as a post or event under your own NiCHE account for consideration by the Editorial Collective. Or you can use the contact form or send it directly to Josh MacFadyen, the NiCHE Project Coordinator — (

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I am an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Prince Edward Island where I teach in the Applied Communication, Leadership & Culture Program in the Faculty of Arts. My research focuses on the history of biomass energy and agriculture. From 2012-2014 I was the NiCHE project coordinator, and I served on the NiCHE editorial board until 2018.

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