Place and Placelessness

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Attention des étudiants de troisième cycle!

La Nouvelle initiative canadienne en histoire de l’environnement (NiCHE) vous invite à l’atelier, « Place and Placelessness : A Virtual Environmental History Workshop for Graduate Students, » le 7-8 octobre 2011.

Du site web : « This online symposium is intended for graduate students and recently graduated scholars from all disciplines that seek to better understand the complex relationships between nature and culture. The workshop attempts to replicate the collegiate atmosphere of a shared-space meeting by using a variety of internet tools, including WordPress, Skype, Google Maps, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to share ideas and participate in engaged discussion. This model should appeal especially to those who are eager for academic gatherings without the cost or carbon footprint of in-person meetings. »

L’atelier concentrera sur des saisons, de façon générale. Les organisateurs voudraient beaucoup de participation du Canada français. Ils sont cherchés une personne qu’est intéressant dans le travail de la traduction aussi, avec des honoraires promis, si vous avez l’intérêt des choses telles.

Pour beaucoup d’information, contactez Andrew Watson ( ou visitez le site web,


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I am an Associate Professor in the Department of History at McMaster University m. My research interests are in transnational environmental health and contamination, and I always seek to blend historical research with public engagement. I’m currently a Co-Investigator on the Mining Danger SSHRC Insight Grant, while also developing an augmented natures project. My monograph, A Town Called Asbestos: Environmental Change, Health, and Resilience in a Resource Community was published by UBC Press in 2016.

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