Podcast – Landscape Paintings of the Circumpolar North

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Landscape Paintings of the Circumpolar North: Polar Environmental Humanities Series Episode 1

with Isabelle Gapp

ASLE EcoCast Podcast

This is the first episode in ASLE EcoCast’s polar environmental humanities series with Dr. Isabelle Gapp from the University of Aberdeen! They met to discuss her new book, A Circumpolar Landscape, and the fascinating comparisons between Scandinavian and Canadian landscape painting beyond national borders. They discuss the way the paintings can often exhibit masculine performativity in their erasures and how the painters are nostalgically reminiscing about a landscape changing in front of their eyes from colonial environmental degradation, making the landscapes they painted an “environmental history [that] had become a memory.”

A Circumpolar Landscape cover by Isabelle Gapp
Feature Image: Untitled. [Water landscape]. 1840. Artist: Bainbrigge, Philip John, 1817-1881. Credit: Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-47-74V

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