Online Event – Historians as Expert Witnesses: Climate Action in the Legal System

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Historians as Expert Witnesses: Climate Action in the Legal System

ASEH Connects Event

Friday, 9 February 2024, 12:30-2pm PST / 3:30-5pm EST

Join us for an ASEH Connects event focused on how you and academic experts can contribute to climate action by serving as expert witnesses in Climate Necessity Defense trials of climate activists. In the long tradition of civil disobedience, Climate Necessity Defense is a legal argument justifying arrested activists’ actions that raise public awareness about the climate emergency. This online event will offer environmental historians a chance to learn more about Climate Necessity Defense and about how historians can contribute to the climate movement as expert witnesses. An interdisciplinary panel will introduce the concept of CND, explain why it’s important, what it can offer to activists, why expert witnesses are important, and what it’s like to serve as an expert witness. An invitation to learn more and potentially get involved in this crucial part of the climate movement!

ASEH Connects Event - Historians as Expert Witnesses: Climate Action in the Legal System.
Feature Image: “Berlin stands with Standing Rock” by is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
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is an environmental historian of Canada and the United States, editor, project manager, and digital communications strategist. She earned her PhD in History from the University of Saskatchewan in 2019. She is an executive member, editor-in-chief, and social media editor for the Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE). Additionally, she is the Managing Editor for the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines. She is also a working board member of the Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society and Girls Rock Saskatoon and a Coordinating Team member of Showing Up for Racial Justice Saskatoon-Treaty Six. A passionate social justice advocate, she focuses on developing digital techniques and communications that bridge the divide between academia and the general public in order to democratize knowledge access. You can find out more about her and her freelance services at

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