Public screening and talk at Queen’s: “Guardians of Eternity”

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Event Details

Guardians of Eternity, a film about the toxic legacies of Yellowknife’s Giant Mine, will be screened at Queen’s University in Kingston on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 7:30 p.m. The film will be co-presented by project partner Mary Rose Sundberg from Yellowknives Dene First Nation and researcher Arn Keeling. The follow day, Arn will also be presenting a public talk about the Toxic Legacies project. Here are the details (and see poster below):

Thursday, November 10th – 7:30 p.m. Evening Screening of the film Guardians of Eternity in Ellis Auditorium. FDASC Opening by Elder-in-Residence Mary Ann Spencer; Q&A to follow with Yellowknives Dene community member Mary Rose Sundberg (Goyatiko Language Society, NWT) and Dr. Arn Keeling (Memorial)

Friday, November 11th – 2:30 p.m. Mac-Corry D214: “Toxic Legacies: The Slow Violence of Arsenic Contamination at Canada’s Giant Mine”

The visit is sponsored by the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen’s, along with the Health, Environment and Communities (HEC) Research Lab.


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Arn Keeling is a professor in the Department of Geography at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Learn more about the "Toxic Legacies" project at
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