Top 5 Posts of 2019

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Every year on New Year’s Day, I pull up the site stats for to take stock of what we accomplished over the past 365 days. It’s easy to lose track of all the amazing work that goes into making a website like this. That work is deeply collaborative, decentralized, and dispersed. Twelve editors work with our dozens of contributors each year to publish a range of media covering the environmental history research community in Canada. Here’s some of what we accomplished:

Our contributors published work on everything from the Athabasca tar sands to The Handmaid’s Tale. It was an eclectic mix, as always. Here are the five most-read posts we published in 2019:

5. Nancy Langston, “Closing Nuclear Plants Will Increase Climate Risks”

4. John Sandlos, Arn Keeling, Caitlynn Beckett, and Rosanna Nicol, “There is a Monster Under the Ground: Commemorating the History of Arsenic Contamination at Giant Mine”

3. Daniel Macfarlane and Sean Kheraj, “How Do Handmaids Reach Ontario?”

2. Lindsay Marshall, “Hoofbeats in the Archive: Historical Animals’ Roles in Constructing Historical Narratives”

1. Hereward Longley, “What Caused the Environmental Impacts of the Oil Sands Industry?”

If you missed any of these great posts this year, go back and catch up on our most popular reads of 2019. Thank you to all our 2019 contributors. We hope you come back in 2020.

And if you are feeling inspired to write something this year, check out our contributors’ guide and send us something soon!

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Sean Kheraj

Associate Professor and Vice-Provost Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University
Sean Kheraj is a member of the executive committee of the Network in Canadian History and Environment. He's an associate professor in the Department of History and Vice-Provost Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research and teaching focuses on environmental and Canadian history. He is also the host and producer of Nature's Past, NiCHE's audio podcast series and he blogs at

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