This week, the American Society for Environmental History holds its annual meeting in Riverside, California. As usual, quite a few Canadians will be among the scholars congregating to speak at and listen to panels and roundtables.
Below, we present a round-up of all the Can-con and Canadian scholars at the meeting. You can click on session and paper titles to access their abstracts. If we’ve missed your panel or roundtable, please let us know in the comments below, and we’ll add you to the list.
Thursday, March 15
Studies in Energy Transitions: Considering Women as Energy Agents
Panel 1-G, 8:30-10:00 am, Room MR 7
Perceptions of Danger: Understanding the Role of Fear in Women’s Energy Decisions
Ruth Wells Sandwell, University of Toronto
The Middle East’s Global Ecologies: From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean World
Panel 1-H, 8:30-10:00 am, Room MR 8
Local or Global? Late Ottoman Environmental Crises in Global Climatic Perspective
Zozan Pehlivan, McGill University
Confronting the Tertiary Cold War: Military Activity and Environmental Contamination in Canada and the Marshall Islands
Panel 1-J, 8:30-10:00 am, Room MR 10
The Pollution of Peace: Underwater Munitions and the Environmental Legacy of Disarmament
Alex Souchen, Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies
Mosquito Warfare: Insect Science and Environmental Degradation in Cold War Canada
Matthew Wiseman, University of Toronto
Legacies of the Cold War: Environmental Degradation and the Ongoing Quest for Justice in the Republic of Marshall Islands
Martha Jane Smith-Norris, University of Saskatchewan
Strategic Planning, Civil Wars and Environment between the World Wars
Panel 2-J, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Room MR 10
Concrete, Forests, and Farming: Mobilizing Imperial Peripheries for Japan After the Roaring 20s
Jack Hayes, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and University of British Columbia Center for Chinese Research
Mined Earth: Transnational Environmental Histories of Extraction
Panel 3-I, 1:30-3:00 pm, Room MR 9
Catastrophic Connections: Mining Disasters and International Answers at the Porcupine Camp, 1909-1929
Mica Jorgenson, McMaster University
Unearthing Latin American Metals: Tropical Gold in the Nineteenth-Century Mining Booms
Lorena Campuzano Duque
The Aboveground Ecology of an Underground Mine: A Comparison of Uranium Tailings and their Treatment in the U.S. Desert, Soviet Steppe, and Canadian Shield
Robynne Mellor, Georgetown University
Agriculture, Environment, and Development: Imperial and International Contexts Across the Twentieth Century
Panel 4-E, 3:30-5:00 pm, Room RC E
Development and the Biological Management of Empire: Tropical Agriculture in Early Twentieth-Century Hawai’i
Jessica Wang, University of British Columbia
Sources of Conflict: Environmental Impact Statements as Methodology and History
Panel 4-H, 3:30-5:00 pm, Room MR 8
Assessing the Past: Environmental Impact Assessments and Contested Historical Narratives in the Yukon Territory
Glenn Iceton, University of Saskatchewan
Friday, March 16
Imaginaries of (Un)settlement in the Western Atlantic
Panel 5-G, 8:30-10:00 am, Room MR 7
“Where our Story Starts”: Canada’s Coastlines and National Conceits
Claire Campbell, Bucknell University
Grounding Knowledge in Place: Earth Scientists and Surveyors, Fieldwork, and the Geography of Power
Panel 6-J, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Room MR 10
The Wadi Rayan Reservoir Scheme: History, Surveying, and Power in Colonized Egypt
Claire Cookson-Hills, Queen’s University
Bundling Local Knowledge: Reginald Daly’s Geological Survey Through the Mountains of the Southernmost Canadian Cordillera
Andrew Marcille, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Saturday, March 17
(Re)Examining Power on British Columbia’s Logging Frontier: Histories of Indigenous Forestry in the Pacific Northwest
Panel 7-D, 8:30-10:00 am, Room RC D
Monstrous Histories, Indigenous Cultural Revitalization, and the Remaking of Shíshálh Forests in the Pacific Northwest
Susan Roy, University of Waterloo and Jessica Silvey, Sechelt First Nation
Overlapping and Crosscut: Delineating Indigenous Power in the History of Industrial Logging on British Columbia’s North Coast, 1894-1985
Nicholas May, University of British Columbia
Not One Dissident Voice: Tla’amin Assertions of Power Over Forest Resources in British Columbia, 1870-1930
Colin Murray Osmond, University of Saskatchewan
Environmental Images and Calculations
Panel 7-E, 8:30-10:00 am, Room RC E
Engineering the Earth: The Emergence of the “Earth System” Concept at NASA, 1978-1982
Jenifer Barton, University of Toronto
Environments Under Empire: New Materials and Changing Landscapes in the Japanese Colonization of Korea
Panel 7-H, 8:30-10:00 am, Room MR 7
Admixing Empire: Asphalt, Colonial Difference, and the Built Environment in Seoul
Tristan R. Grunow, University of British Columbia
The Animal Kingdom and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Early Modern World
Panel 8-F, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Room RC F
Bowhead Whale Hunting in a Cooling Arctic, 1610-1640
Dagomar Degroot, Georgetown University
Ecological Imperialism in the Age of Industry
Roundtable 9-F, 1:30-3:00 pm, Room RC F
Stuart McCook, University of Guelph
Brittany Luby, University of Guelph
Jim Clifford, University of Saskatchewan
Rebecca Woods, University of Toronto
Manifold Destinies: Exploring the Environmental History of Pipelines
Panel 9-I: Room MR 8
Contesting Environmental Impact: The Norman Wells Oil Pipeline Proposal, 1980-81
Sean Kheraj, York University-Toronto
A Landscape of Non-Renewable Resource Use: Natural Gas Pipelines, Groundwater Irrigation, and the Transformation of High Plains Agroecosystems, 1950-1980
Andrew Watson, University of Saskatchewan
Markers of the Anthropocene: Bringing Human History to the Fore of a New Geological Period
Roundtable 10-F, 3:30-5:00 pm, Room RC F
Jonathan Luedee, University of British Columbia

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