This week, the American Society for Environmental History holds its 40th Anniversary Meeting at the Drake Hotel in Chicago. As usual, quite a few Canadians will be among the scholars congregating to speak at and listen to panels and roundtables.
Below, we present a round-up of all the Can-con and Canadian scholars at the meeting. You can click on session and paper titles to access their abstracts. If we’ve missed your panel or roundtable, please let us know in the comments below, and we’ll add you to the list.
Thursday, March 30
Toward the Neoliberal Turn: How Neoliberalism Might Influence Environmental History
Roundtable 1B, 8:30-10:00, French (lobby level)
Erik Loomis, University of Rhode Island
Molly Doane, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sylvia Hood Washington, Environmental Health Research Associates
Cody E. Ferguson, Fort Lewis College
Moderator: Michael Egan, McMaster University
The Pedagogy of Hope: Teaching Hope in the Environmental Classroom
Roundtable 1I, 8:30-10:00, Walton North (lobby level)
Sarah R. Hamilton, Auburn University
Amy Kohout, Colorado College
Brittany Bayless Fremion, Central Michigan University
Jim Feldman, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
George Vrtis, Carleton College
Moderator: Tina Loo, University of British Columbia
Converging Histories: The Gulf of St. Lawrence as an Environmental History Space
Panel 2I, 10:30-12:00, Walton North (lobby level)
L.M. Montgomery, the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, and the Search for Environmental History
Claire Campbell, Bucknell University
American Canners in the Gulf: Commodifying Lobsters, 1870-1914
Suzanne Morton, McGill University
Outsourcing Resource Exploitation: The Triumph of Atlantic Canada’s Nineteenth-Century Offshore Fisheries, 1866-1916
Matthew McKenzie, University of Connecticut
Commentator: Ed MacDonald, University of Prince Edward Island
Photographing Environment and Empire: A Methodological Roundtable of Case Studies
Roundtable 3C, 1:30-3:00, Georgian (mezzanine level)
Elizabeth Anne Cavaliere, Concordia University
Karla Kit McManus, Queen’s University
Joseph Whitson, University of Minnesota
Dörte Lerp, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln
Vandana Baweja, University of Florida
Moderator: Julia Adeney Thomas, Notre Dame
Colonial Environments in the Canadian North: Impacts on Indigenous Land Use
Panel 3H, 1:30-3:00, Venetian (mezzanine level)
Colonial Space, Indigenous Land Use, and Resource Extraction in the Yukon, 1900-1940
Heather Green, University of Alberta
Across the Line: Cross-Border Effects of Trapline Registration in Northern British Columbia and the Yukon
Glenn Iceton, University of Saskatchewan
Food Contamination in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Hereward Longley, University of Alberta
Moderator: John Sandlos, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Book Launch: Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship, eds. Lynne Heasley and Daniel Macfarlane
3:00-3:30 pm, Gold Coast Room (lobby level), University of Calgary Press booth
Navigating the North Atlantic Past through Archaeology, History and the Environmental Humanities
Panel 4A, 3:30-5:00, Astor (mezzanine level)
The Inscribing Environmental Memory Project: Interdisciplinary Environmental Humanities, Archaeology, and Icelandic Sagas
Steven Hartman, Mid-Sweden University and George Hambrecht, University of Maryland-College Park
North Atlantic Fisheries Revolution, c.1400-1700: Climate, Ocean Productivity, and Markets
Poul Holm, Trinity College-Dublin
Diseased, Cold, Violent, and Scottish: Environmental Data and the Revision of Scotland’s Medieval History
Richard Oram, University of Stirling (UK)
Zooarchaeology and Icelandic Fisheries: Progress and Potentials
Francis Feeley, City University of New York and Ramona Harrison, University of Bergen
Chair: George Hambrecht, University of Maryland-College Park
Commentator: Dagomar Degroot, Georgetown University
The Nature of American Foreign Relations: Taking Foreign Relations History and Environmental History Together
Panel 4C, 3:30-5:00, Georgian (mezzanine level)
The Closing of the Interior: The Shared History of Expansion and Environmental Management
Megan Black, Harvard University
The Most Laissez-Faire: International Comparison as Energy Policy in the Interwar United States
Abby Elaine Spinak, Harvard University
Resources for Freedom?: Nature, Nation, and Strategic Minerals in the Early Cold War
Joshua Howe, Reed College
Harnessing the Leviathan: Science, Cetaceans, and the Cold War
Jason Colby, University of Victoria
Chair: Stephen Macekura, Indiana University
Commentator: Paul Sutter, University of Colorado
Viscous Visions: Non-Petroleum Oils and the Making of 19th-Century North America
Panel 4E, 3:30-5:00, Michigan (mezzanine level)
Blood, Oil, and Turtles: The Voyage of the “Maria” (1832-1836) and the Political Ecology of the American Whale Fishery
Jeremy Zallen, Lafayette College
‘Enough Beans to Physic the Earth’: Agricultural Diversification, Public Health, and the Rise of the American Castor Oil Industry
Brandon Luedtke, University of Kansas
Covering the Earth: Linseed Oil and Telecoupled Commodities in the Prairie West
Joshua MacFadyen, Arizona State University
Chair and Commentator: Kathryn T. Morse, Middlebury College
The Land Beneath Our Feet: A Film Screening and Roundtable Discussion
Roundtable 4F, 3:30-5:00, Parkside (mezzanine level)
Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Nancy Jacobs, Brown University
Finis Dunaway, Trent University
Moderator: Marco Armiero, Royal Institute of Technology
Changing Understandings of Tidal Environments in Northeastern North America
Panel 4G, 3:30-5:00, Superior (mezzanine level)
“An Engineering Curiosity and an Economic Fantasy”: The Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, 1948-65
James Kenny, Royal Military College of Canada
Good Tidings: Local Knowledge and High Modernism in the “World’s Largest Hay Field”
Ronald Rudin, Concordia University
World Views and the Changing Human Place in Tidal Wetlands
Matthew Hatvany, Université Laval
Chair: Edward MacDonald, University of Prince Edward Island
Canadians at ASEH Meet-up
Howells and Hood
6:00 pm onward
Friday, March 31
Crude Exposures: Photographing Oil in the “American Century”
Panel 5G, 8:30-10:00, Superior (mezzanine level)
Material and Affective Extraction in the Standard Oil (New Jersey) Photographic Project
Emily Roehl, The University of Texas-Austin
The Hazards of Paradise: Place, Public Image, and the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill
Pollyanna Rhee, Columbia University
Project Documerica and Pre-Carbon Nostalgia in the 1970s
Caleb Wellum, University of Toronto
Commentator: Frank Uekotter, University of Birmingham
Lighting Across the British Empire: The Lighting Revolution in England, Canada and India
Panel 6C, 10:30-12:00, Georgian (mezzanine level)
Trans-Local Stories of Lighting Innovations in the 19th-Century English Country House
Abigail Harrison Moore, University of Leeds (UK)
Leading Lights: A History of Modern Lighting in Canada, 1860-1940
Ruth Sandwell, University of Toronto
Colonizing Light? The Contentious Development of Artificial Light in British India
Ute Hasenöhrl, University of Innsbruck
Chair: Christopher Jones, Arizona State University
Latin American Environmental History: New Insights from Guatemala and Brazil
Panel 6H, 10:30-12:00, Venetian (mezzanine level)
Coping with Floods Without an Ark: Urban Nature and Local Ingenuity in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires in the late 20th Century
Lise Fernanda Sedrez, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Andrea Casa Nova Maia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Nature’s Revenge: War on the Wilderness During the Opening of Brazil’s ‘Last Western Frontier’
Sandro Dutra Silva, State University of Goiás/University of California-Los Angeles
Of Cotton and Corn: Guatemala’s Struggle to Define a Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem, 1952-1964
Patrick Chasse, University of Saskatchewan
The Turning Point in Amazon Deforestation: Historical Shift or Contextual Phenomenon?
Jose-Augusto Padua, University of Rio de Janeiro
Chair: Sterling Evans, University of Oklahoma
Saturday, April 1
Visual Approaches to Environmental History
Panel 7B, 8:30-10:00, French (lobby level)
Changes in the Nightscape: Light Pollution, Regimes of (Im)perceptibility, and History in Artificial Light at Night Imagery
Sara B. Pritchard, Cornell University
Franklinia alatamaha and the Stamp of Extinction
Kelly Enright, Flagler College
Domesticating the “Naturalists’ Paradise”: Images and the Perception of the Environment in 19th Century Madagascar
Thomas J. Anderson, Merrimack College
Smokey Bear as Exclusionary Icon
Catherine Peters, Harvard University
Chair: Finis Dunaway, Trent University
Environments for Every Body: Panel 1 – Disability
Panel 7D, 8:30-10:00, Huron (mezzanine level)
Science and Disability in the Laboratory Environment
Jessica Martucci, University of Pennsylvania
The People’s Parks and Sidewalks: Environments of the Early Disability Rights Movement
Bess Williamson, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Translating Environments: Technologies of Access for Environmental Education
Kristoffer Whitney, Rochester Institute of Technology
Thinking with “Chemical Stories”
Esther Ignani, Ryerson University
Chair: Jody Roberts, Chemical Heritage Foundation
Poster Session
10:00, Drake Room (lobby level)
Land Use and Climate in California Rangelands: A Historical Analysis of Change Over Time
Tim Paulson, University of California-Santa Barbara and Kevin Brown, University of California-Santa Barbara
Scale and Circulation: Bringing History and Geography Together in Global Environmental Histories of Empire
Panel 8B, 10:30-12:00, French (lobby level)
Small Islands in the Revolutionary Caribbean
Ernesto Bassi, Cornell University
Breeds of Empire: Type and Topography in Imperial Environmental History
Rebecca Woods, University of Toronto
Empire, Trees, and Climate: Critical Dendroprovenancing in the British North Atlantic
Kirsten Greer, Nipissing University
Commentator: Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sea Flows: Mobility, Boundaries, and Scale in Marine Environmental History
Roundtable 8C, 10:30-12:00, Georgian (mezzanine level)
Mary E. Mendoza, University of Vermont
Miles Alexander Powell, Nanyang Technological University
Joseph E. Taylor, Simon Fraser University
Lissa Wadewitz, Linfield College
Moderator: Ryan Tucker Jones, University of Oregon
Teaching Environmental History in High Schools: Future Possibilities
Roundtable 8F, 10:30-12:00, Parkside (mezzanine level)
Kerri Keller Clement, University of Colorado-Boulder
Clinton Colgrove, Montana State University
Megan Jones, The Pingry School
Neil Shafer Oatsvall, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts
Darren Frederick Speece, Sidwell Friends School
Moderator: Graeme Wynn, University of British Columbia
Disease and the Transition from War to Peace in Europe, 1918-1923
Panel 8G, 10:30-12:00, Superior (mezzanine level)
Environment, Disease, and Red Army Triumph: From Civil War to NEP, 1918-1921
John P. Davis, Kentucky Community and Technical College System/Hopkinsville Community College
Fighting War, Fighting Flu: The British Battle with Pandemic Influenza during and after the First World War
James Harris, Ohio State University
‘Postwar’ Relief to Wartime Poland: The ARAEFC and Poland’s Battle Against TB, 1919-1923
Paul Niebrzydowski, Ohio State University
Chair: Richard Tucker, University of Michigan
Commentator: Colin Duncan, Queen’s University
Knowing Mines in North America: Memory, Science, and the Environment since 1900
Panel 8J, 10:30-12:00, Walton South (lobby level)
“A Succession of Surprises”: International Geology and the 1909 Porcupine Gold Rush
Mica Jorgenson, McMaster University
Industrialization, Metal Mining, and Quantum Leaps in Environmental Impacts: Setting the Stage for the Twentieth Century, 1880-1920
Fredric Quivik, Michigan Technological University
A Landscape of Water and Waste: How Low-Grade Iron Ore Mining Transformed the Mesabi Range
John Baeten, Michigan Technological University
Commemorating Danger: Toxic Hazards and Communicating with Future Generations at an Abandoned Gold Mine
John Sandlos, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Chair: Kent Curtis, Ohio State University
Graduate Student Writing Workshop
Roundtable 9B, 1:15-2:45, French (lobby level)
Finis Dunaway, Trent University
Catherine Dunlop, Montana State University
Stephen Pyne, Arizona State University
Kendra Smith-Howard, University at Albany (SUNY)
Moderator: Rachel S. Gross, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Appropriating the Commons: Environmental Implications of the Law of the Sea
Roundtable 9C, 1:15-2:45, Georgian (lobby level)
Nadin Hee, Freie Universität Berlin
John Hannigan, University of Toronto
Devleena Ghosh, University of Technology Sydney
Moderator: Lino Camprubi, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Imperial Imaginings: Land, and Resource Use in Practice in the Pacific and the East China Sea
Panel 9D, 1:15-2:45, Huron (mezzanine level)
Making the Cariño Doctrine: Land Law and Indigenous Rights in the American Colonial Philippines
Theresa Ventura, Concordia University, Montreal
Planting Land: Trees as a Sustainable Design Element in German Qingdao
Agnes Kneitz, Renmin University of China
Philippine Resettlement: Remaking Political and Environmental Terrains
Karen R. Miller, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (CUNY)
The Devolution of Marine Sanctuary Development in American Sāmoa
JoAnna Poblete, Claremont Graduate University
Chair: Lise Fernanda Sedrez, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Commentator: Peter Lavelle, Temple University
Coal Veins: Culture, Policy, and Dependency in the Contemporary United States
Panel 9G, 1:15-2:45, Superior (mezzanine level)
Jimmy Carter and the Renaissance of American Coal
Robert D. Lifset, University of Oklahoma
The Transnational Veins of Coal: Regional CoaL Ecologies and the Revival of Coal in the 1970s
Petra Dolata, University of Calgary
Following the Sun: The Clean Air Act and Coal’s Westward Migration
Jonathan Free, Duke University
Chair: Thomas Andrews, University of Colorado Boulder
Commentator: Christopher Jones, Arizona State University
Hope and Environmental History: A Prospectus for Research
Roundtable 10B, 3:00-4:30, French (lobby level)
Tina Adcock, Simon Fraser University
Dorothee Schreiber, Independent Scholar
Tina Loo, University of British Columbia
Mark Joseph McLaughlin, University of Maine
Philip Wight, Brandeis University
Moderator: Jim Feldman, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Great Lakes History in a Time of Water Crisis
Roundtable 10G, 3:00-4:30, Superior (mezzanine level)
Daniel Macfarlane, Western Michigan University
Lynne Heasley, Western Michigan University
Ken Cruikshank, McMaster University
Jamie Benidickson, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
William Knight, Independent Scholar
Moderator: Nancy Langston, Michigan Tech
How the Other Half Drifts: Nature, Violence, and the Character of Migration in the Nineteenth Century
Panel 10H, 3:00-4:30, Venetian (mezzanine level)
The Ecological Refugees of the Cotton Belt: Black Migration from Rural Spaces in the Wake of the U.S. Civil War
Erin Stewart Mauldin, Assistant Professor, Samford University
Refugees or Rebels: Policing Environmental Migration in German Southwest Africa
Philipp Nicolas Lehmann, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
A Little Like Philanthropy, a Lot Like War: The Production of Environmental Refugees Before the Advent of Climate Change Discourse
Saptarishi Bandopadhyay, York University
Chair: Richard Tucker, University of Michigan
The Final Frontier (of Environmental History): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environments Beyond Earth
Panel 10J, 3:00-4:30, Walton South (lobby level)
“A Mysterious System of Configurations:” The Environmental History of Canals and Climate on Mars
Dagomar Degroot, Georgetown University
Fallen Skies: Near-Earth Space as Global Environment During the Long 1970s
Lisa Ruth Rand, University of Pennsylvania
Mother (other) Earth: Feminisms, Ecologies, and Alien Worlds
Lisa Messeri, University of Virginia
Chair: Erik Conway, NASA (JPL)
To be fair, Chicago doesn’t look quite like this in late March.
I had the opportunity to see Robynne present this paper to the environmental history group at Georgetown on Monday and highly recommend it to those interested in Canadian uranium/nuclear history. Elliot Lake provides an important point of comparison with the mines around Grants, New Mexico.
Robynne Mellor, Georgetown University
A Comparative Analysis of the Environmental Effects of Cold War Uranium Mining in Grants, New Mexico
[The Cold War, the American West, and the Environment
Panel 1-E: Michigan (mezzanine level)
Chair: Richard Tucker, University of Michigan]