Since February we’ve been hosting a group blog on the NiCHE website called the Otter:http://niche-canada.org/otter Dozens of NiCHE members have contributed short articles on a wide range of topics. These posts attracted somewhere from two hundred to over a thousand visits, and the authors did not wait two or three years to see them in print.
Would you like to join the roster of bloggers by contributing an occasional post (2-4 per year)? We are looking for articles from the full spectrum of the NiCHE community: grad students to senior faculty. Topics should address environmental history and can deal with anything from your teaching and research to the historical context of current events or reports on environmental history/historical geography workshops. If you have a personal blog, we are happy to let you mirror your Otter post on your own site.
Please contact me (jcliffo9@uwo.ca) to be added to our schedule or just send me a 500 to 800 word article.