This past week (October 19-22, 2009), the University of British Columbia Library hosted three days of events at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre for the First International Open Access Week. The events were designed to raise awareness about the open access movement around the world, highlight the ways in which the UBC Library is working to make its repositories open, and explore open access journal publication.
The open access movement is certainly gaining momentum and events like this one show the extent to which university libraries are natural allies for scholars interested in opening knowledge to the world. For those who were unable to attend the events in Vancouver, you can watch a slidecast of John Wilbanks’ presentation.
Sean Kheraj is a member of the executive committee of the Network in Canadian History and Environment. He's an associate professor in the Department of History and Vice-Provost Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research and teaching focuses on environmental and Canadian history. He is also the host and producer of Nature's Past, NiCHE's audio podcast series and he blogs at
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