Bilson Lecture: HGIS and Vision in History

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Event Details

Public Lecture, Presented by the Department of History, University of Saskatchewan

by Dr. Anne Kelly Knowles
Professor of Geography, Middlebury College
Tuesday, October 7th
Reception 6:00 PM
Lecture 7:00 PM
Battleford Ballroom,
Bessborough Hotel

Vision has influenced many important historical decisions, whether literally – what people could or could not see – or metaphorically, what people imagined or wanted to believe. This lecture examines the crucial role of vision at two junctures in American history. It reveals how antebellum entrepreneurs’ vision of industrial greatness fell afoul of geographical reality, and how General Robert E. Lee’s view of the Civil War battlefield at Gettysburg shaped his command decisions. Both studies are built around the visual methodology of historical GIS.

All are welcome!

For More Information Contact Geoff Cunfer:

For more details see the event’s Facebook page.

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I am an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Prince Edward Island where I teach in the Applied Communication, Leadership & Culture Program in the Faculty of Arts. My research focuses on the history of biomass energy and agriculture. From 2012-2014 I was the NiCHE project coordinator, and I served on the NiCHE editorial board until 2018.
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