CFP – HGSG Student Paper Award

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The Historical Geography Specialty Group (HGSG) of the AAG will sponsor two student paper award competitions in 2014:

  • Ralph Brown Award – for papers written by Master’s-level students
  • Andrew Hill Clark Award – for papers written at the Ph.D. level

Each award carries with it a $150 first prize.  Second prizes of lesser amounts may be awarded at the discretion of the competition judges.  In evaluating the papers, preference will be given to those based on primary sources of information rather than literature reviews.

Eligibility Notes:

Eligibility for the awards is open to any graduate student who has or will present a paper at any professional conference beginning the day after the 2013 AAG Annual Meeting and ending the last day of the 2014 Annual Meeting. If the paper you wish to enter for the Ralph Brown award is based upon research conducted while you were a Master’s student, you are eligible to enter this competition even if you are now a Ph.D. student.  Students who have already won a Ralph Brown Award or Andrew Hill Clark Award in the past are NOT eligible to submit for the same award again. (Previous winners of a Ralph Brown Award, however, are eligible to submit for the Andrew Hill Clark Award.)

Submission Procedure:

Students wishing to participate should send copies of a conference-length paper of no more than 11 double-spaced pages (plus notes, figures, etc.) to each of the committee members listed below.  Papers should be sent by e-mail in MS Word or PDF format.  Please specify in your email [1] the name of the award for which you are applying, [2] the graduate program in which you are enrolled, and [3] the conference at which your paper was (or will be) presented. The deadline for receiving materials is March 1, 2014.

All questions should be directed to the Paper Awards Committee Chair.

Kirsten Greer, Assistant Professor in Geography & History

Nipissing University, Ontario, Canada

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I am an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Prince Edward Island where I teach in the Applied Communication, Leadership & Culture Program in the Faculty of Arts. My research focuses on the history of biomass energy and agriculture. From 2012-2014 I was the NiCHE project coordinator, and I served on the NiCHE editorial board until 2018.
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