Do you use digitized photos or manuscripts in your research? Or maybe you use digitized historical audio/visual archives? We want to hear from you!
We are looking for researchers of all types who use library digitized collections to answer a short anonymous survey about how they find and use collections of library materials that have been digitized and put online. Results from this study will help libraries learn about their users, communicate better about collections, and design better-functioning websites.
The survey should take approximately 8-10 minutes to complete. You may begin the survey by clicking on the following link:
Do you know someone else who might be interested in taking the survey? Please feel free to forward the link and invite them to participate.
Any questions about the survey can be directed to either Sarah Severson ( & Nailisa Tanner (

This study is being conducted jointly out of the University of Alberta (Ethics ID: Pro00147979) and McGill University.