Kicking off Phase 2 of #FlipTheList!

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Diversifying and Enriching the Wikipedia Entry on Environmental Books

Date: July 15-31, 2020

Sponsors: ASEH Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity; ASEH Graduate Student Caucus; Environmental History Now; NiCHE New Scholars; Women’s Environmental History Network

If you haven’t already signed up already and want to volunteer: click here

The goal of #FlipTheList is to add books by scholars of color, scholars from the Global South, and/or scholars who identify as women, trans and non-binary people to expand and enrich Wikipedia’s ‘List of environmental books’.

On June 23, over 100 people came together to crowdsource a list with over 800 entries. This means we far exceeded our initial goal of 300 recommendations. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Now it’s time to move forward to the next phase of #FlipTheList, and actually add your recommendations to Wikipedia. This is where we need your help again.

If you want to help with this next phase, we ask you to sign up for one (or more) editing shifts on July 15-31, 2020. This is to make sure we avoid any editing conflicts that can occur when multiple people attempt to edit the same article at the same time. After you sign up, you’ll receive a detailed how-to-guide, so there is no experience necessary!

*If you want to volunteer with editing Wikipedia, let us know here

*If you helped to #FlipTheList on June 23, you will get an email with instructions on how to sign up for an editing shift.

Let’s #FlipTheList!

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Elizabeth Hameeteman

Elizabeth Hameeteman is a doctoral candidate in History at Boston University. Her research interests include sustainable development, environmental law and policy, and all things water. She's the Executive Editor and Founder of Environmental History Now, an online platform that showcases the environmental-related work and expertise of graduate students and early career scholars who identify as women, trans and non binary people.

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