HGSG Student Research Award
Student members of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) are invited to submit research proposals for the Historical Geography Specialty Group (HGSG) Student Research Awards. The specialty group will award two prizes in 2019. The Carville Earle Award ($400) recognizes research at the PhD level, and the Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov Award ($200) recognizes research at the Masters level. To apply for either award, students must submit a two-page research proposal that gives their research question and also explains how archival work and/or fieldwork is necessary to complete their project. The proposal must also specify the archives and/or field research site that will be utilized. A budget of estimated expenses and a letter of support from their major advisor must accompany the proposal. The award may be used for travel or other related research expenses. Students must be members of the AAG to be eligible for this competition. Students must submit their two-page research proposal, with budget and letter of support, by March 25, 2019, to the following two competition judges: Dr. Dean Bond, Geography, Loughborough University (D.W.Bond@lboro.ac.uk) and Dr. Margôt Maddison-MacFadyen, Geography and History, Nipissing University (margotm@nipissingu.ca).

HGSG Paper Award
The Historical Geography Specialty Group (HGSG) will sponsor two student paper award competitions in 2019. The Andrew Hill Clark Award ($150) is given for a paper written at the PhD level, and the Ralph Brown Award($150) is given for a paper written at the Masters or undergraduate levels. Second prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the competition judges. Preference is given to papers based on primary sources of information rather than on literature reviews. For the 2019 awards, the papers must have been presented at any professional conference in the period of time beginning the day after the 2018 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting and ending the last day of the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting. Students must be members of the AAG to be eligible for this competition. Students must send their paper of no more than eleven double-spaced pages (plus notes, figures, etc.) by email in MS Word or PDF format to each of the following two competition judges:
- Dr. Samuel Otterstrom, Geography, Brigham Young University (Sam_otterstrom@byu.edu)
- Dr. Matthew Fockler, Augustana College (matthewfockler@augustana.edu). The submission deadline is March 25, 2019.
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