Welcome to the new semester! I hope everyone has settled in and is coping well with winter wherever you happen to be. Below is a brief overview of what NiCHE New Scholars has planned for the Winter/Spring 2019 terms:
1) We will hold three digital meetings via Google Hangouts this term. The first will happen in February (Environmental Humanities and Activism), the second in March (Energy Histories), and a third in April (a lead-up to ASEH). Details on the February meeting are at the bottom of this post.
2) We are organizing an online Twitter conference preceding the CHA on May 23rd and 24th. More details will be released soon in a separate post!
3) We are pleased to announce that we are beginning a new series, similar to our Rhizomes and Canopy series – and based closely on the Historians’ Histories series over at Unwritten Histories – which will feature new scholars in our network. This series will be cross-posted on both NiCHE/The Otter and Unwritten Histories. We can’t wait to learn more about you and what makes you love EH!
Call for Participants: February Meeting
Our digital meeting for February will focus on discussing the role of activism doing Environmental History and Humanities. The past few months, indeed the past year, has been ripe with environmental and social justice tension and conflict in Canada and beyond. Some questions we will address include, but are not limited to, the following:
- In what ways do environmental humanists participate in activist work?
- How much of your research, teaching, service work is rooted in a sense of activism? Or not at all?
- Do we have a responsibility to contribute to activism?
- How can we, as historians, use our work to contribute to contemporary environmental and social justice activism?
Do you have any other questions you would like to include in our discussion? If you do, please let me know! If the above is of interest to you, you can fill out the Doodle poll here.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Heather Green
Email: greenh1@mcmaster.ca/ Twitter: @heathergreen21

Latest posts by Heather Green (see all)
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- 2024 David Neufeld Memorial Lecture: Tr’ondëk-Klondike Panel Discussion - April 11, 2024
- Call for Submissions: Animal Encounters - April 5, 2024
- Review of Pratt and Heyes, Memory and Landscape - November 28, 2023
- The Klondike Rainmakers Battle - August 16, 2023
- Call for Papers – Yukon Environmental History: 125th Anniversary - April 19, 2023
- 2023 David Neufeld Memorial Lecture: Georgette McLeod - January 20, 2023
- Environmental History of Atlantic Canada Twitter Conference 2022 - December 6, 2022
- 2022 David Neufeld Memorial Lecture: Cody Groat - December 21, 2021
- Northern Borders Project Summer Students - October 22, 2021