Michigan Technological University
Department of Social Sciences
Assistant Professor in Social Sciences
The Department of Social Sciences at Michigan Technological University invites applications for an Assistant Professor to join an interdisciplinary social sciences faculty. We seek a scholar specializing in environmental justice, industrial communities/deindustrialization, health, food systems, or gender. Candidates should be prepared to teach one or more courses that articulate with the undergraduate majors in Anthropology or Social Science. Applicants should also demonstrate how their research and teaching interests strengthen one of our graduate programs (MS and PhD) in either Industrial Heritage and Archaeology or Environmental and Energy Policy. A Ph.D. in Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology, or a related interdisciplinary field is required by August 15, 2015.
Applications will be reviewed starting January 15, 2015.
The full description with instructions on how to apply and additional resources is attached. The posting is available online at: http://www.jobs.mtu.edu/postings/2349. The Department website is: http://www.mtu.edu/social-sciences/
Please contact Richelle Winkler at rwinkler@mtu.edu or 906-487-1886 with questions or for more information.
If anyone has any questions about the position, the university, the department, or life on the south shore of Lake Superior feel free to get in touch.