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Glenn Iceton interview, NiCHE Conversations with Jessica Dewitt. “Widening Our Scholarly View of the North with Glenn Iceton.” June 29, 2021.
Green, H., J. Luedee, and G. Iceton. “The Northern Borders Project: Digital Research and Collaboration in the COVID-era.” Pandemic Methodologies Twitter Conference. June 25, 2021.
Heather Green interview, SMU Community Bulletin. “Environmental History course nets OER award for Dr. Heather Green.” April 23, 2021.
Jonathan Luedee interview, NiCHE Conversations with Jessica Dewitt. “Borders and Boundaries of the Canadian North with Jonathan Luedee.” April 22, 2021.
Karen Routledge and Heather Green interview on CBC Yukon’s Midday Café with Leonard Linklater. “New memorial lecture series started to honour former Yukon historian.” January 18, 2021.
We are also happy to share another NiCHE Conversations interview with one of our Northern Borders and Boundaries series contributors: Mica Jorgenson on “Tracing Transient Smoke Across Northern Borders.” June 17, 2021.