Gonçalo Salvaterra and Joana Sousa
Gonçalo Salvaterra is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology: Politics and displays of culture and museology (ISCTE-IUL/ NOVA-FCSH). He is a researcher at the Center for Research in Anthropology (CRIA, Portugal). His research interests include environmentalism and nature conservation, ethnography, and dynamics of change in agrarian systems.
Joana Sousa is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (University of Coimbra).Her work has been developing at the intersection of ecology and anthropology as interdisciplinarity developed in her doctoral studies and research in Guinea-Bissau and Kenya. In Guinea-Bissau she has worked about the people-parks interface and the contested narratives of nature conservation (2009-2014). Since 2013 she has been working on the circulation of knowledge and technology in the context of mangrove rice in Guinea-Bissau, and she is currently is coordinationg the research project MARGINS: People, rice and mangroves at the margins: A hybrid and contested interface in a changing world (www.margins.pt). Recently, she has been engaging with the study of fire uses and large wildfires in the context of Portugal in the context of the research project FIRESUSES (Burning landscapes: A political and environmental history of the large wildfires in Portugal - 1950-2020).