Canadian New Scholars at the pre-ASEH workshop on Digital Environmental History

NiCHE Twitter followers, 2011, by William J. Turkel

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Digital Environmental History workshop is being held at Stanford University on Wednesday, 12 March 2014, just prior to the American Society for Environmental History conference in San Francisco. As a sponsor of the event, NiCHE has been guaranteed a spot for a Canadian PhD student or postdoctoral fellow. If you are a Canadian new scholar attending the conference and are interested in claiming the spot, submit your application by 12 January 2014, as described on the workshop website, not only to Paul Hirt at but also to Alan MacEachern at Even if you do not receive the guaranteed Canadian new scholar spot, you may be selected by the organizers to attend anyway.

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I am the author of Becoming Green Gables & the companion website (2024), The Summer Trade (with Edward MacDonald, 2022), & The Miramichi Fire (2020). I'm also the editor of the print/open-access Canadian History & Environment series at University of Calgary Press. I was Director of NiCHE, 2004-15. Contact me at
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