Call for Papers WHEATS 2017

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Event Details

WHEATS 2017:Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology & Science

October 13-15, 2017

University at Albany, History Department

Albany, NY

The University at Albany History Department is pleased to be hosting WHEATS in Fall 2017. The Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science (WHEATS) brings together graduate students studying the history of the environment, agriculture, science, or technology. WHEATS is open to submissions from any discipline with interests in these fields. Papers — generally 25-30 pages — are circulated in advance to all participants, and at the workshop papers receive feedback from participants and senior scholars through a roundtable discussion. This format is well suited for works in progress, and the workshop will have sessions on professional development as well as opportunities to meet and engage members of the broader academic community.

Due to logistical constraints, papers must be in English.

The University at Albany will provide housing, food, and some funding to help defray travel costs for participants.

Potential participants should submit a one-page abstract (200 words) and a short curriculum vitae by May 1, 2017.  All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail and applicants will be notified of acceptance by June 1, 2017.  Applicants should note their year of graduate study or Ph.D. completion date. Accepted papers will be due September 10, 2017.

WHEATS 2017 is generously supported by the Agricultural History Society (AHS) and the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT).

For further information, contact:

Tinamarie Peabody,

or visit our website:

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Tina Peabody

Graduate Assistant/Doctoral Candidate at History Department, University at Albany, SUNY
Tina Peabody is a doctoral candidate in history at the University at Albany, SUNY. She is currently working on a dissertation examining garbage collection and disposal in New York City entitled Wretched Refuse.

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