Call for Applicants – Beaverbrook Vimy Prize

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Beaverbrook Vimy Prize

2025 Theme – Environmental Impacts of War

A 10-day experiential program in Belgium and France for youth ages 15 to 17 from Canada, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, and Germany.

About the Beaverbrook Vimy Prize

This immersive program offered by The Vimy Foundation, gives young people aged 15 to 17 from Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of those who shaped history.

From August 1 to 11, 2025, recipients visit key historic sites, former battlefields, museums, cemeteries, and memorials in Belgium and France, gaining new perspectives on well-known and under-told aspects of the wars. They see first-hand the consequences and lasting impacts of the war on the natural and human environment. They connect with youth across multiple regions and nations, and learn about the sustainable actions being taken by their peers to make a positive impact now and in the future.

Applications are open until March 12, 2025!

  • Beaverbrook Vimy Prize - English poster
  • Beaverbrook Vimy Prize - French Poster
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Alicia Dotiwalla

Education Lead - Responsable du volet éducation - The Vimy Foundation | La Fondation Vimy

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