Call for Papers – Refugees and Borders: Life, Law, and Limits

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Call for Papers – Refugees and Borders: Life, Law, and Limits

CHASE Refugee Justice Network for a Borderless World

Abstract Deadline – 22 February 2025

Seminar Date – 19 March 2025 at SOAS, London

Borders proliferate and refugeehood expands at the present time. Borders follow us everywhere, they are not just physical; they are as much digital, institutional, social, imaginative. Bordering methods that exert their force on human lives and experiences by ordering statehood, stagnation and citizenship regimes have for long been in discussion. However, the nuances and challenges of the problem are yet to be re-evaluated and re-thought. While discussions of certain geographical areas and lives affected by borders have been in the spotlight, many remained unanalysed and, as a result, invisible. This interdisciplinary seminar aims to re-interrogate the methods of (un)doing of borders, colonisation-decolonisation processes, and negotiations strategies by focusing on various aspects of refugee lives and borders: stories, lived experiences, visuals, music, curatorial, law- and policymaking, pandemic-related issues, ecological crisis and more. The seminar invites 200-word abstracts by 22nd February from graduate, postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. Selected candidates will be notified by early March and the seminar will be held on 19th March at SOAS, London.

The seminar invites submissions under the following disciplinary categories but is not limited to the same: (a) Law (b) Literature (c) Music (d) Geography (el History (f) Anthropology (g) Creative methodologies. The seminar also encourages students to contribute a picture of their choice, of materials, family, or others out of consent-as related to borders and refugeehood, accompanied with a small description putting into context the theme of “border and refugees” for an online exhibition.

Kindly send your abstracts to: with cc to with the subject line: Abstract for (mention the subject theme like law/literature/ music/etc. under which you want your abstract to be considered).

Thanking you,
The CHASE Refugee Justice Network for a Borderless World Team
Amrita DasGupta, Subhadip Mukherjee, Arka Chakraborty.
Funded by CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership

CHASE Refugees and Borders Life. Law and Limits cfp
Feature Image: Armenia’s Day, In Aid of the Armenian Refugees (Lord Mayor’s) Fund. June 13, 1917. United Kingdom. Credit: Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-28-291.
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Amrita DasGupta

Amrita is a third year PhD student at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. She is also a visiting researcher at the King's India Institute and a guest teacher at the London School of Economics (LSE). She completed her MPhil titled ‘Bonbibi’s Sundarbans: Tiger Widows and Water-Prostitutes’ from Jadavpur University. It interrogated the impact of/relation between animal-attack widows and the changing norms of widowhood in relation to sex work in the Sundarbans. Her PhD examines transnational water borders of the Indian Ocean World and trafficking in humans, especially in the mangroves ecosystems expanding from India to British East Africa.  Amrita's short documentary, “Save the Sundarbans”, was awarded the cinematography award, script and editing award. She has published in journals including the Economic and Political Weekly, Gitanjali and Beyond. As a SOAS Digital Ambassador Amrita regularly writes for the SOAS blog.  Some of her academic works are listed below:   2021   1. “The Need for an Anti-Trafficking Act for Sexual Servitude” (5 February 2020), SOAS  COP policy Briefing.   2. “Sars of History” Gitanjali and Beyond, Issue 5: Creativity Special  Issue: The Unity of All Things; ISSN 2399-8733.    2020     1. “Hydrocultural Histories and Narratives from Sundarbans”, INSEEEES 3(2), July 2020, New Epistemologies of Water.  2. The Pandemic, A cyclone: (De)Politicising the “Private” in Bengal” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 55, Issue No 39, 26 Sept 2020.

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