New Book – Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis

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Sodero, S. Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2022.

Cover of Under the Weather by Stephanie Sodero

“That was a few hurricanes ago,” says a reporter based I chatted with a couple of weeks ago. We take a moment to reflect on her phrasing and the changing culture of disaster preparedness in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia. Warming ocean waters are fuelling hurricanes more regularly into Atlantic Canada. In my book, I use two storms as a springboard to examine how severe weather intersects with the movement of people, things, and services as well as how communities can better prepare for increasing local disruption already resulting from shifts in the global climate.

Bringing together environmental sociology, disaster sociology, and mobilities scholarship, I develop an ‘ecological approach to mobilities’ to shed light on extreme mobility dependency and the impact of mobility disruptions. To this end, I offer five practical recommendations – revolutionize mobility, prioritize vital mobility of medical goods and services, embrace ecological mobilities, rebrand redundancy, and think flexibly – for how mobility can be reimagined to work with, rather than against, the climate in ways that benefit communities in and beyond Atlantic Canada.

Feature Image: Strong swells from Hurricane Katia in Nova Scotia, September 2011. “File:Hurricane Katia Nova Scotia waves (6133408584).jpg” by photo fiddler from Canada is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Stephanie Sodero

Stephanie Sodero is a Nova Scotian and Memorial University graduate who is a Lecturer in Climate Change and Health at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (University of Manchester). Her research examines how medical goods, such as blood, saline, and oxygen, move from points of production to points of care, and how such geographically dispersed supply chains can be made more resilient in a changing climate. Care for the climate and communities is central to her work.

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