From Political Economy and Environment to Culture, Memory, and Society: A Symposium in Honour of H.V. Nelles

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On Friday, October 16, 2015, McMaster University will be hosting “From Political Economy and Environment to Culture, Memory, and Society: A Symposium in Honour of H.V. Nelles” from 12:45pm to 6:00pm. All are invited to attend.



Here is the program of presentations:

Session 1: Culture, Memory, and Society

Stephen Henderson, “The Don Messer Jubilee and Canada’s Counter-Counterculture”

Sarah Glassford, ““For Patriotic Purposes”: Rural Women’s War Work and the Bonds of Community, 1914-1919”

Colin McMahon, “Canonizing O’Connell : The 1875 Birth Centenary of Ireland’s “Liberator” in Canada”

Laurence Mussio, “Winners, Losers and Bankers in the Making of Canada’s Central Bank, 1932 – 1938”

Session 2: Environment and Political Economy

Sean Kheraj, “The Nature of Pipeline Corporations: Trans Mountain Pipe Line Company and its Environmental Record”

Stéphane Castonguay, “The Government of Natural Resources: State Science and Territorialities in Quebec, 1867-1939”

Liza Piper, “An Environmental History of Alberta Coal”

Matthew Evenden, “Beyond Organic Machines? New Directions in River Historiography”

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Sean Kheraj

Associate Professor and Vice-Provost Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University
Sean Kheraj is a member of the executive committee of the Network in Canadian History and Environment. He's an associate professor in the Department of History and Vice-Provost Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research and teaching focuses on environmental and Canadian history. He is also the host and producer of Nature's Past, NiCHE's audio podcast series and he blogs at

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