Kingston Gazette

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Kingston Gazette, 1 June 1816

1816 06 01, KG, cold weather0000Transcript:
The season is remarkably backward in this province at the present time. Two or three mornings this week we have seen ice; the prospect now is more favourable for vegetation.


Kingston Gazette, 1 June 1816

1816 06 01, KG, snow & frost0000Transcript:
For the week past has been very Cold – on Thursday morning it snowed, and on Friday and Saturday there was frost.


Kingston Gazette, 15 June 1816

1816 06 15, KG, high price flour0000Abridged Transcript:
FLOUR – The price of this necessity of life, three weeks ago, was about 45s per barrel in large quantities. It has lately been sold at 90s; now 100s is asked. We should be glad to be informed of the cause of this extraordinary rise. If it be monopoly, there is some prospect of a harvest, that will inflict the severest of all punishments on forestallers, namely by assailing their strong-boxes…


Kingston Gazette, 20 July 1816

1816 07 20, KG, cold kills insects - good0001Transcript:
Report from the Country states that the prospects are much better than was expected. The late colds have annihilated the Hessian Fly, and many other destructive insects. If this is true, we may consider ourselves fully compensated for the loss sustained in fruit.
~Quebec, 6 July 1816


Kingston Gazette, 10 August 1816

1816 08 10, KG, good weather0000Abridged Transcript:
The very flattering appearance of the Weather, for these few weeks past, we are happy to hear, is likely to do away with all apprehension as to a scarcity of provisions. Although Hay is likely to fall somewhat short of the usual crop, yet accounts from all parts of the country agree in stating that grain (Corn excepted) of almost every description, has a good appearance; and particularly Oats, Pease, Potatoes, Onions, &c. we are told are in great abundance – which, we pray GOD may be the case, and for which great blessings we cannot be too thankful.


Kingston Gazette, 17 January 1817

1817 01 17, KG, ice finally in0000Transcript:
Our winter has at last set in. The ice has taken, so fast that people pass between Kingston and Long Island.


Halifax in Kingston Gazette, 1 February 1817

1817 02 01, KG, bad reports from NS0000Transcript:
Our accounts from Halifax, represent the scarcity in that province as truly alarming. A New Brunswick editor in speaking of their situation says, “Humanity startles at the scene presented; robbery or starvation must follow if some thing is not done to alleviate the pending distress.”
~Canadian Courant


Embargo Bill, 11 February 1817 in Kingston Gazette, 8 March 1817

1817 03 08, KG, LowCan re bread embargo0000Abridged Transcript:
Provincial Parliament of LOWER CANADA
From the Quebec Telegraph
Tuesday, 11th February 1817
On the Embargo Bill, and the Proviso with respect to the Upper Canada produce.
Mr. Taschereau said the necessity of the measure which he had the honor to propose was but too evident from the situation of the country. The produce of the harvest compared to the wants of the country did not afford a surplus. It is true the District of Montreal was blessed with a copious harvest, but that of Quebec had almost entirely failed. … He however did not intend that this Embargo should in any wise operate upon the trade of Upper Canada, on the contrary would be glad to encourage their trade through this channel. …

Passed in the first Session of the Ninth Provincial Parliament of LOWER-CANADA


Drumondville in Kingston Gazette, 8 March 1817

1817 03 08, KG, diff report re emig from LowCan0000Abridged Transcript:
Some weeks ago, we noticed in the “Quebec Gazette,” that about eighty families had emigrated from the settlement on the River St. Francois to the United States and Upper Canada. We have since taken some pains to inform ourselves as to the fact stated, and find it not correct. A gentleman who lately visited Drummondville and staid there some days, says, “that of the late some person discharged from the army … whose habits ill accorded with the pursuits of agriculture, became dissatisfied with their situation, and have removed to the United States, but the whole do not amount to 25, and it is confident that the settlement is happy in getting rid of them.” We are further assured that the settlement promises soon to be in a most flourishing condition. …
~Montreal Herald


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