Climate History — Comprehensive
Canada — Climate
Great Plains — Climate
Quebec / St. Lawrence– Climate
Hudson’s Bay Company — Climate
Oblates — General
Atlantic Canada — Climate
Arctic and Subarctic — Climate
Bibliographies for Import (using Zotero, EndNote)
- Hudson’s Bay Company — Climate
- Government Sources on the Athabasca and North Saskatchewan Rivers
- Private/Personal Sources on the Athabasca and North Saskatchewan Rivers
Using the Bibliographies
The Bibliographies found on the NiCHE website have been created by our users to shed light upon various aspects of environmental history / historical geography. We have moved all of our bibliographies to the Zotero website where you can browse their contents (even if you do not use Zotero).
You can also download most of our bibliographies in XML or BibTex format. If this is available you will see aptly labeled links next to the title of the bibliography.
Submitting New Bibliographies
We welcome submissions from our members. Membership is free and you can sign up at our registration page. You do not have to be a tenured professor to submit a bibliography. We encourage students and members of the community at large to make submissions.
All of our bibliographies are authored by a person or small group. This helps reassure users that the entries in the bibliography have been scrutinized and are representative of the topic.
If your bibliography exceeds 100 entries, please consider sub-dividing it into smaller groups.
Submission Format
Our system requires all bibliographies be submitted in electronic, marked-up format. This generally means that it was created by citation management software (EndNote, Refworks, Zotero) and exported. Please submit bibliographies in one of the following formats:
- EndNote Tagged
- EndNote 7 + XML
- Endnote 8 + XML
- BibTex
If you do not have citation management software, you can download Zotero for free and use it to export “BibTex” files.
We cannot accept bibliographies in .doc or .pdf files as reformatting is too time consuming.
You can submit a new bibliography in any of the formats listed above. When you submit a bibliography, please include your name, a brief abstract that outlines why people should take your advice and read the works you list, and a short essay that puts some of the more important works into context. This essay should be between 200 and 2000 words and can be attached as a text file. We do not accept new bibliographies that do not come accompanied with material that explains why someone should trust the work you have done.