JoDee Samuelson

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She was born in raised in Alberta, the daughter of a church minister. She became a hippie and headed with her boyfriend to Toronto, where she spent time hanging around Rochdale College. The couple came to Prince Edward Island in 1971, looking to sell beads to tourists. She and her boyfriend made their mark when they opened the city's first health food store, the Root Cellar, which quickly became a central point in the Island's burgeoning back-to-the-land community. She is an award-winning animator, now living in Canoe Cove.
Summary of Interview
June 27, 2008
- (0:00) how ended up on PEI
- (4:50) starting The Root Cellar
- (15:30) why doesn't consider self to be a back-to-the-lander
- (23:55) reception on PEI
- (25:25) why she stayed on PEI