NACEHF: Northeast-Atlantic Canada Environment History Forum

Stillwater River, Maine. Photo: Wikipedia

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Event Details

Northeast-Atlantic Canada Environment History Forum
2014 Workshop

University of Prince Edward Island
August 1-2, 2014

Program from the NACEHF website.

August 1, evening keynote by Prof. John Gillis

August 2, sessions

8:00-8:30: Opening Remarks

Brian Payne, Bridgewater State University,

“Looking Eastward for New Visions of Environmental History”

8:30-10:00: Session I: Eastern Food Through the Ages

Jason Hall, University of New Brunswick

“Maliseet Horticulture on Wolustoq During the Little Ice Age”

Cody Miller, University of Maine

“‘It is Not Right, It is Not Fair, for Packers to Subject Farmers to this Risk: The
Political Ecology of Maine’s Canned Sweet Corn Industry”

Eileen Hagerman, University of Maine

“Putting Down Roots: How Back-to-the-Landers Reshaped Maine’s Local Food Economy”

10:00-10:15: Break


10:15-11:45: Session II: Popular Imagery and the Wilderness of the East

Claire Campbell, Bucknell University

“A North of No Winter: Environmental History at L’Anse aux Meadows”

Diana Lempel, Harvard University

“For the Rugged People of Maine”

Jack Little, Simon Fraser University

“Frozen in Time: An American Transcendentalist on the Coast of Labrador, 1864-5”

11:45-12:00: Break


12:00-1:00: Session III: Eastern Climate, Eastern Weather

Teresa Devor, University of New Brunswick

“‘Living Weather’ and Survival: Local Knowledge in the Maritimes, 1780-1920”

Anya Zilberstein, Concordia University

“The Discomfort Zone: Empire and the Geography of Climate”

1:00-3:00: Lunch Break

Check out the Charlottetown Farmers Market, 100 Belvedere Avenue

3:00-4:30: Session IV: Clashes and Violence in the Eastern Wilderness

Daniel Soucier, University of Maine

“‘Where There was no Signs of any Human Being’: Navigating the Maine Wilderness during Benedict Arnold’s March to Quebec, 1775”

Joseph Miller, University of Maine

“Affected By ‘an imbecility of the nerves’: Climate, Fever and Madness in the Hessian Garrisons of British North America, 1777-1783

Ian Jesse, University of Maine

“‘Poacher King Pays’: Transboundary Poaching in the Northeast”

4:30-4:45: Break


4:45-6:15: Session V: The Atlantic Fisheries in National Politics

Thomas Blake Earle, Rice University

“‘The Very Nurseries of Our Navy: Fishermen and Fish in American Diplomacy and Politics”

William Knight, Carlton University

“Aquariums and Cookery Classes: The Fisheries Exhibition as an Environmental Threshold in Twentieth-Century Canada”

Matthew McKenzie, University of Connecticut

“Using Environmental History: Historical Myths and Policy Mandates in the New England Fisheries, 1880-1930, and 2013”

6:15-6:45: Final Discussion

Moderated by Richard Judd, University of Maine


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